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Kati Nawrocki

ComputerLunch at PAX East

By In The News, On location

pax1At the small but very popular booth 11203 the ComputerLunchers spent three straight days demoing the game on five devices simultaneously, handing out pins, temporary tattoos and business cards from 10 to 6 straight, over 600 visitors in all. Day 1 crowds around our booth got so large that the PAX enforcers had to add guidelines to the floor for days 2 and 3, and we struggled to keep wait times short for players despite capping the game play at 8 minutes. pax boothFeedback for SwingStarVR (and the virtual reality experience in general) was overwhelmingly positive, with many players coming back (alone or with their friends), to play again and share the fun.pax_colorPAX was as epic as hoped, and a really, really well run event. The center was enormous, and filled with a deafening mix of tournaments, meet and greets, cosplay, tech demos and not entirely terrible food. The people were phenomenally friendly and interesting. Also, Genaro ran into Markiplier on the streets of Boston, and asked him for directions to the convention center.

We were extremely fortunate that we got to be a part of this wonderful event, and hope to see you there next year!

Computerlunch at GDC

By On location

The Computerlunch team promoted Swingstar VR all over San Francisco during GDC with ad hoc demos anywhere we could find people willing to give it a go – at parties, pitching events, while waiting in line… It was fortunate timing for our VR game, as virtual reality was definitely on everyone’s mind. We got the opportunity to mingle with extremely talented colleagues, play some very cool games, and talk to hardware manufacturers. Andrew was especially impressed with Playstation’s beautiful and very fun VR games.


A swinging good time: At Pre GDC VR mixer; Tastemakers event; Yetizen party; on the Expo floor;  chatting up vapers and claiming our prize at the Pocketgamer Big Indie pitch.
